Introducing J-Pride’s first Zine

"In February and March 2021, overlapping the one-year anniversary of Minnesota’s first Stay-at-Home order, J-Pride participants submitted the following gorgeous, thoughtful, and resonant works, drawing on the themes of Passover – liberation, oppression, becoming, death, land – as well as thei[...]

April showers are so much more than rain

By Deb Savitt • Community Involvement Manager   Sometimes doing my job as the volunteer manager at JFCS feels like having a fourth child: I plan. I arrange. I execute and troubleshoot. I worry (and worry) about the details, the goal of what we are trying to accomplish, and the permutati[...]

Why we all need a little Passover Hag Sameach

By Deb Savitt • Community Involvement Manager   Hag Sameach means happy holidays, and the JFCS Hag Sameach program has been synonymous with providing overflowing bags of Chanukah or holiday gifts for the past 24 years. This is an incredible operation—really a community event—and we [...]